bgen+359 889 912 376
Пон. - Пет 09:00-18:00
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Civil Law

What is civil law

The term “civil law” originates from Roman law. Civil law is the recognized and guaranteed opportunity by the law for a person to have a certain behaviour and to demand a certain benefit from other people. Today, civil law is the largest branch of objective law. Civil law regulates the status of civil law entities and the legal relations between them.

We offer

  • Pre-contractual relations
  • Preparation of various types of contracts in the field of Civil law, as well as representation in their concluding
  • Amendment, cancellation and termination of contracts
  • Protection against non-performance of the contracts
  • Preparation and sending of invitations for voluntary implementation to people with overdue obligations
  • Preparation of all necessary documents for initiating court proceedings in order
  • Forced collection of overdue receivables
  • Procedural representation in security, order, claim and enforcement proceedings
  • Receiving compensation for property and non-property damages
  • Protection against unjust enrichment
  • Others

Let us help you!

If you need help, do not hesitate to contact us. We will contact you within 1 business day. Or if you’re in a hurry, just call us now.

Тел : +359 889 912 376 Mon – Fri 09:00-18:00


Do You need Help?

We can assist! Call Now: +359 889 912 376
·  Mon. – Fri. 09:00-18:00