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Commercial and corporate law

What are commercial and corporate law

Commercial law is a system of legal norms that regulate the legal status of traders in business and the transactions they enter into their capacity. Corporate law regulates the legal status of traders. In general, this branch of law regulates, as well as the establishment of commercial companies, the many changes that may occur within the activities of companies related to their functioning and the legal form of participation in trade and their relationship with other participants in the turnover, and with their transformation, acquisition and termination.

What we offer

  • Choice of appropriate legal form when starting a business-Private, Sole Proprietorship, Public Limited company, Partnership and others.
  • The establishment of all types of commercial companies- Private, Sole Proprietorship, Public Limited company, Partnership and others.
  • Save the company name
  • Transfer of company shares
  • Transformation of companies- mergers, acquisitions, spin-offs, divisions.
  • Changes in the circumstances of commercial companies
  • Sale of commercial companies
  • Preparation of necessary documents regarding the announcement of the Annual Financial Statements
  • Assistance and representation in front of notaries, banks, National Revenue Agency, NSSI, Register of Public Sales, DUI and other public and private institutions
  • Assistance for getting permits, licenses and other acts necessary for carrying on business
  • Consultation on already drafted and/or signed contracts
  • Drafting of contracts and documents, related to carrying on business
  • Concluding contracts, performance and termination of commercial transactions such as the sale of goods or services, agreement for leasing, commission contract, contract of carriage, forwarding contract and others.
  • Subscription legal services for commercial companies
  • Filing lawsuits in commercial disputes
  • Others

Let us help you!

If you need help, do not hesitate to contact us. We will contact you within 1 business day. Or if you’re in a hurry, just call us now.

Тел : +359 889 912 376 Mon – Fri 09:00-18:00


Do You need Help?

We can assist! Call Now: +359 889 912 376
·  Mon. – Fri. 09:00-18:00